It is a generous bowl of soup with red & white carrots, mock meatball, mock cuttlefish, Sichuan Cai, black fungus , Lettuce & Xiang Cai sprinkled on top.
The noodles is a special type, I think it tasted & looked like plain, soggy Jap Ramen 拉面:P which I don't really like. Fortunately when eaten with Sichuan Cai, Sichuan Cai helped saved the taste.
Actually, the stall had a newspaper cutting that recommended its 书香米粉汤, the mee hoon version. I wonder why the noodles & not the mee hoon is on its menu instead. Maybe next round I will try the mee hoon version as recommended on the papers.
The kway teow is very unique! I never seen ppl do kway teow with veggies on the top... hahaha... like the ci yan laksa like that...
Pine tree is now located at fortune center Lv3.
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